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La Palestina Agua.png
La Palestina Agua.png
La Palestina Agua.png
La Palestina Agua.png

Sweeten your life, but be careful, don't make your health bitter.

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Sweetening naturally and with a healthy option is perfectly possible if you use panela in your preparations. An inexpensive product and quite easy to find both in your neighborhood store, as well as in supermarkets and chain stores.

It is important that you understand how panela is produced; To describe it simply, we can say that panela is a natural sweetener extracted from the juices of cane sticks and brought to perfection with artisanal techniques preserved in the panela tradition of our region. Once separated, the sugar cane juices are dried with temperature input without carrying out any type of refining process. This very clear natural origin allows panela to preserve all the properties of cane juice, among which important amounts of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium and copper stand out. .


Its use to sweeten hot drinks is a common practice in the Colombian countryside, it is part of the traditional culinary art in regions such as Antioquia, the Coffee Region and the Caribbean and is currently a fairly widespread practice throughout the national territory.


To enjoy at home with your family and friends, you can add simple, delicious and healthy preparation methods to your menu, such as the well-known Café de Arriero sweetened with panela and finely flavored with star anise.

Sweeten the hot and cold drinks you consume at home such as coffee, chocolate, natural fruit juices, coladas; preparing delicious desserts or adding sweetness and flavor to your gourmet kitchen is something you can achieve with the use of panela, ensuring the delicate pleasure of sweets without affecting your health or that of your family.

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La Palestina Agua.png
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